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June 1

Ten Questions to ask Your Prospective Ferry Provider

Need to get an airplane moved across the globe? Don’t entrust your multi-million dollar machine to just anyone. Consider asking these ten questions to your prospective ferry service provider. Because at Shepherd Aero, the answer to all the below will always be a “yes”.

  1. Do you provide RVSM/NAT-HLA/RNP/ADS-B LoAs?
  2. Are you a bonded importer?
  3. Is export service included?
  4. Do you have a 24/7 dispatch team?
  5. Do you offer flight following to track and support flights in real time?
  6. Is ALL fuel included or do I have to provide full on departure?
  7. Is survival equipment included?
  8. Are you insured?
  9. Are your crew members COVID-19 tested?
  10. Are your crew members provided business class flight accommodations?

Contact Shepherd Aero today to get a quick-turn quote for your ferry needs.


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